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Penawaran: Store Crew - Pangkalan Bun:MINISO HOME


Store Crew - Pangkalan Bun - MINISO HOME


Store Crew - Pangkalan Bun


Less than 1 year practice

Indonesia - Kalimantan Tengah



Deskripsi Pekerjaan :
   » Melayani customer dengan baik dan efisien
   » Bertanggungjawab penuh terhadap kebutuhan operasional toko
   » Memastikan kondisi di toko rapi dan bersih Kualifikasi :
   » Maksimal usia 28 tahun
   » Minimal pendidikan SMA/SMK atau sederajat
   » Berpenampilan menarik, bersih, dan rapi
   » Tinggi badan minimal 155 cm (P) dan 165 cm (L) dan proporsional
   » Sehat jasmani dan rohani serta memiliki SKCK aktif
   » Mampu berkomunikasi dan mempromosikan produk dengan baik
   » Memiliki inisiatif tinggi, kreatif, dan percaya diri
   » Dapat bekerjasama secara tim dan individu
   » Bersedia bekerja di bawah tekanan dengan sistem shift
   » Bersedia ditempatkan di Pangkalan Bun



UOB Plaza, 33rd Floor Unit 3, Jakarta


Average Processing Time

More Than 2 Weeks




Company Size

2001 - 5000 Employees

Working Hours

Saturdays/Shift required

Dress Code

Formal (e.g. Shirts + Ties)

Spoken Language

Bahasa Indonesia, Mandarin, English




   » Established in Tokyo, MINISO, the Japanese fast fashion designer brand, was jointly founded by Miyake Junya, the chief designer of MINISO, and Ye Guofu, the Chinese young entrepreneur. MINISO advocates fashionable and relaxed lifestyle and directs a superior products consumption pattern. 
   » MINISO pursues a “simple, natural and quality” life philosophy and a brand proposition of "simplicity and going back to the essence". Information technology launches new products every seven days and the low-price but high quality products are popular among customers. MINISO positions itself as the fast fashion chain stores, whose core values gain popularity among consumers and lead the market to a new trend of “superior products consumption”. MINISO Co., Ltd. has been operated since 2013. Information technology established in China in September of the same year, expanding across China since then. 
   » MINISO has been expanding globally since its establishment in 2013. Information technology has opened more than 1,800 stores around the world within three years and its revenue hit USD 75 million in 2015, which is expected to reach USD 1.5 billion by 2016. Currently, MINISO has signed strategic cooperation agreements with 40 countries and regions, including the U.S., Canada, Russia, Singapore, Dubai, Korea, Malaysia, Hong Kong (China), and Macao (China). On average, Information technology opens 80 to 100 stores monthly and Information technology is anticipated to open 6,000 stores all over the world by 2020, with a global revenue of USD 9 billion. 
   » Most MINISO stores locate in the large shopping centers in downtown areas, with a purpose of building a brand which stays close to people’s lives and possesses high fashion. MINISO endeavors to deliver excellent shopping practice to customers all the time.


   » Multi-cultural working environment
   » Complete promotion channel
   » Develop and grow with company


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Bahasa persyaratan:
Pekerjaan jenis:
Gaji: Tidak disebutkan
Akademik gelar: Unspecified
Pengalaman (tahun): Tidak disebutkan
pekerjaan lokasi: Kalimantan Tengah
perusahaan jenis majikan
Tanggal publikasi: 05/28/2024 / Viewed 2390 times
Informasi Kontak
perusahaan: MINISO HOME

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