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STAF Information technology SYSTEM APPLICATION DATABASE:PT Sawit Sumbermas Sarana


STAF Information technology SYSTEM APPLICATION DATABASE - PT Sawit Sumbermas Sarana



PT Sawit Sumbermas Sarana

Min 2 years (Staff (non-management & non-manager))

Indonesia - Kalimantan Tengah - Pangkalan Bun



Fungsi tugas dan tanggungjawab :
   » Melaksanakan pembangunan, pengembangan dan pemeliharaan sistem aplikasi dan database.
   » Melaksanakan sosialisasi dan pelatihan kepada pengguna.
   » Melaksanakan perbaikan / troubleshooting sistem aplikasi dan database.
   » Melaksanakan pembuatan dan pengembangan prosedur dalam pengelolaan sistem aplikasi.
   » Melaksanakan evaluasi dan pengembangan infrastruktur sistem informasi.
   » Melaksanakan kegiatan backup dan restore sistem aplikasi dan database secara periodik.
   » Mengevaluasi dan memberikan rekomendasi teknologi dalam penerapan sistem aplikasi.
   » Melaksanakan pembuatan dan pembaruan dokumentasi sistem aplikasi dan database.
   » Melaksanakan pembuatan laporan kegiatan secara periodik. Persyaratan :
   » Pendidikan minimal D3/S1 Sistem Informasi / Teknik Informatika / Teknik Komputer.
   » Usia maksimal 35 tahun.
   » Menguasai proses bisnis perkebunan dan pabrik kelapa sawit.
   » Menguasai database structure DDL, DML for Oracle, SqL Server dan MySqL.
   » Menguasai development tools Oracle Developer, Delphi, PHP, Visual Studio & All Editor Development tools.
   » Menguasai bahasa programming VB, C#, PHP, JavaScript, TypeScript, HTML & Oracle.
   » Memiliki daya logika yang kuat.
   » Bersedia ditempatkan di kantor Pusat Pangkalan Bun - Kalimantan Tengah Bagi yang memenuhi syarat akan dihubungi untuk proses selanjutnya.

WORK LOCATION View larger map / directions View larger map


Pangkalan Bun, Central Kalimantan, Indonesia


Average Processing Time

10 Days




Company Size

More than 5000 Employees

Working Hours

Mondays-Fridays and Saturdays half day

Dress Code

Business (e.g. Shirts)


Medical, Miscellaneous allowance, Education support, Loans, Dental

Spoken Language

Bahasa Indonesia


PT Sawit Sumbermas Sarana Tbk. is a palm oil company with a mission to realize the full potential of palm oil. We manage an integrated business across 25 oil palm estates, seven oil palm mills (PKS) and one palm kernel mill out of Pangkalan Bun, Central Kalimantan, Indonesia.
We believe in the tremendous potential of palm oil and are optimistic about the crop’s place in the future. With the highest crop productivity and land-use efficiency compared to other crops, palm oil can be a crucial, and more environmentally-friendly, answer to address future surge of edible oil needs. At the same time, the palm oil industry has the potential to contribute significantly to fueling development in countries such as Indonesia, especially their rural communities.
We therefore believe that palm oil companies, if they do the business right, can play a key function in sustaining the environment and providing for human needs at the same time. This is the function we aim to play.

Our Vision : To Become A World-class Plantation Company  
Our Mission :
1. To realize the full potential of palm oil
2. To Build a professional plantation business
3. To Add value for all stakeholders
4. To Implement best practices of corporate governance
5. To Use environmentally-friendly and advanced technology
6. To Develop our human resources and local potential in a spirit of partnership

Corporate Values :
1. Care for the Company
2. Care for the People
3. Care for the Environment
4. Care for the Nation, Indonesia


Our human resources are the most important contributory factor to the Company's sustainable growth and everyone has the desire to play a distinct part in creating a sustainable future.
In light of the business's current growth, as well as the strategy going forward, the Company has put in place a professional and focused employee selection process to secure a high quality and appropriately qualified workforce. A series of training programs for both management and staff develop potential and maximize performance.


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Bahasa persyaratan:
Pekerjaan jenis:
Gaji: Tidak disebutkan
Akademik gelar: Unspecified
Pengalaman (tahun): Tidak disebutkan
pekerjaan lokasi: Kalimantan Tengah
perusahaan jenis majikan
Tanggal publikasi: 06/07/2024 / Viewed 2401 times
Informasi Kontak
perusahaan: PT Sawit Sumbermas Sarana

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